Sunday, May 17, 2020

Legal Measures Within The Criminal Justice System

In Australia, the criminal justice system is largely effective in achieving justice for individuals however due to the difficulty in simultaneously balancing the rights of the victim and accused, law reform may be necessary to further the achievement of justice. The criminal justice system is a set of laws and rules that are established by the government to assist in protecting the members of the community and their property. The criminal justice system is also set in today’s society to prevent crime and to impose penalties on those who violate the law. Legal measures within the criminal justice system include; court mechanisms, legislative reform and police. The efficacy of legal measure in achieving justice for individuals is evident in relation to; bail and remand, juries, double jeopardy, police powers in arrest and mandatory sentences. Bail and remand is controversial in terms of achieving justice for individuals as the accused’s rights are often in conflict with the rights of the victim and vulnerable members of society. Bail refers to the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, until the courts determine their case. On the contrary, remand is a special type of detention that allows for the accused person to be held in custody for the period between being charged and facing trial. Conditional bail refers to bail granted with additional requirements such as a reporting to the police on a regular basis, forfeiture of a passport, restrictions andShow MoreRelatedLegal - Effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System1111 Words   |  5 PagesWithin the criminal justice system discuss the effectiveness of legal and non-legal measures in achieving justice. 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